Your watch is more than just a timepiece; it’s a statement, a conversation starter, and sometimes, a sentimental piece of jewellery.
Like anything you wear regularly, it’s bound to get dirty. Whether it’s dust, sweat, or grime, keeping your watch clean is essential for maintaining its look and longevity.
The best method is to treat the case and strap separately, especially if they’re made from different materials or if you’re unsure about water resistance.
Let’s dive into a step-by-step guide on how to clean a watch, from the case to leather, rubber, steel, and nylon straps!
- Check water resistance before cleaning.
- Remove the strap for a thorough clean.
- Use mild soap and soft cloths.
- Submerge a non-water-resistant watch in water.
- Use harsh chemicals, scrubs, or excessive force.
- Forget to let your watch dry completely.
Before you begin, check the water resistance of your watch. Different levels mean different cleaning methods:
3 ATM / 3 bar / 30 m / 100ft can withstand light splashes and brief contact with water. Clean gently with a damp cloth; avoid submersion.
5 ATM / 5 bar / 50 m / 165ft can handle brief submersion in water. Safe to rinse under running water, but avoid prolonged soaking.
10 ATM / 10 bar / 100 m / 330ft is suitable for cleaning under water. Can be submerged during cleaning without issues.
20 ATM / 20 bar / 200 m / 660ft is highly water-resistant and can be cleaned thoroughly under water, including submersion.
Hodinky položte na mäkký povrch. Zabráni sa tým ich poškriabaniu alebo poškodeniu.
Ak majú vaše hodinky na spodnej strane kolíky na rýchle uvoľnenie, remienok uvoľnite zatlačením malej páčky.
- Ak majú vaše hodinky vyvŕtané nožičky - malé otvory v nožičkách vychádzajúcich z hlavného puzdra hodiniek - ostrým, špicatým predmetom zatlačte pružinovú tyčku a uvoľnite remienok. Dávajte pozor, aby sa pružinová tyčka nevysunula z popruhu a nestratila sa.
- Ak váš remienok na hodinkách neobsahuje nič z vyššie uvedeného, použite odbaretovač. Jedná sa o malý nástroj so špičkou v tvare písmena V. Použite ho na stlačenie pružinovej tyčky zo spodnej strany remienka medzi nožičkami vpravo. Pomocou nástroja zatlačte na hrebeň pružinovej tyčky, aby ste remienok uvoľnili.
Najprv skontrolujte, či je šírka medzi nožičkami na vašich nových hodinkách 20 mm. Všetky naše remienky na hodinky nájdete tu. Pomocou filtrov vyhľadajte iba zodpovedajúcu šírku, aby sa zobrazila vhodná ponuka pre vaše hodinky.
Ak váš náhradný remienok obsahuje rýchloupínacie kolíky, zatlačte ho dovnútra a zasuňte na miesto medzi nožičkami. Budete cítiť, ako sa „uzamkne“ na svojom mieste.
Ak váš nový remienok nemá rýchloupínacie kolíky, znova použite odbaretovač. Umiestnite jeden koniec kolíka na miesto a potom nástrojom tlačte pružinovú tyčku, kým ju nezasuniete na miesto. Budete cítiť, ako sa „uzamkne“ na mieste.
Robte to pomaly a dávajte pozor, aby ste nepoškriabali nožičky a nepoškodili nový remienok hodiniek.
The watch case houses the heart of your timepiece, so it deserves some special attention. Cleaning the case separately from the strap ensures you don’t damage any of the materials.
What you’ll need:
- A small bowl
- Mild dishwashing soap
- 2 microfibre cloths
- Toothpicks
- Remove the case from the strap.
- Fill the bowl with lukewarm water and add a few drops of mild dishwashing soap.
- Dampen one microfibre cloth in the soapy water and gently wipe the case, paying special attention to grooves and tight spots.
- Use toothpicks to gently pick out dirt from hard-to-reach areas like the bezel or crown.
- Wipe down the case with the second clean cloth and allow it to dry completely before reattaching the strap.
Leather is a delicate material that needs a gentle touch to maintain its supple texture and colour.
What you’ll need:
- A small bowl
- Mild hand soap or dish soap
- 2 microfibre cloths
- Leather conditioner
- Remove the strap from the watch.
- Wipe both sides of the strap with a dry microfibre cloth to remove any loose dirt.
- Dampen a jewellery cloth and apply a small drop of mild soap.
- Gently wipe the strap using tapping or circular motions. Avoid scrubbing too hard, as this can damage the leather.
- Wipe the strap clean with a second, damp cloth and let it air dry.
- Apply leather conditioner to keep the leather soft and protected.
Rubber straps are practical and durable, but they still need care to keep them looking fresh.
What you’ll need:
- A small bowl
- Mild dishwashing soap
- A microfibre cloth
- Toothpicks
- Remove the strap from the watch.
- Fill the bowl with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap.
- Soak the strap in the soapy water for a few minutes, then gently scrub it with your microfibre cloth.
- If any dirt remains in the grooves, use toothpicks to clean them out.
- Rinse the strap with clean water, dry it with a towel, and allow it to air dry before wearing.
Steel straps need a bit more muscle to keep them sparkling but still require a gentle touch.
What you’ll need:
- A small bowl
- Mild dishwashing soap
- Microfibre cloths or a soft toothbrush
- Remove the strap from the watch.
- Fill the bowl with warm water and mild dish soap.
- Place the strap in the water and scrub it gently with the cloth or a soft toothbrush, focusing on areas where dirt may build up.
- Rinse the strap with warm water and dry with a microfibre cloth.
Nylon straps are pretty low-maintenance and are usually machine washable.
What you’ll need:
- Small mesh laundry bag
- Your laundry machine
- Remove the strap from the watch.
- Place the strap in a mesh laundry bag to protect it from getting tangled or damaged in the wash.
- Throw the bag in with your laundry, using a cold water setting, and let it air dry.
If you wear your watch daily, aim to give it a proper clean every 2-3 months.
For leather straps, regular conditioning is key to prevent cracking.
And don’t forget—if you swim, sweat, or spend time in dusty environments, you might want to clean your watch even more frequently!
Keep your timepiece gleaming and functional with these simple tips. Your watch will thank you, and so will your style!
Pánske hodinky – Vaša kompletná príručka
Tento komplexný sprievodca o pánskych hodinkách vám poskytne všetko, čo potrebujete vedieť pri výbere vašich ďalších hodiniek.

Čo sú automatické mechanické hodinky?
Tu sú všetky informácie, ktoré potrebujete vedieť o jednom z najdôležitejších vynálezov človeka.
Ako nosiť pánske hodinky so štýlom
Zlepšite váš štýl tak, že sa naučíte, ako nosiť hodinky správnym spôsobom.

4 otázky, na ktoré by ste si mali odpovedať pred kúpou skeletových hodiniek
Ak si položíte tieto 4 otázky, pomôže vám to vybrať si tie správne pánske skeletové hodinky a budete vedieť ako ich udržiavať.

Čo sú 24-hodinové jednoručičkové hodinky a prečo by ste ich mali nosiť?
Objavte, ako nastavovať 24-hodinové jednoručičkové hodinky a ako na nich čítať čas, a pozrite sa, prečo by ste ich mali nosiť.

Hodinky s mesačnými fázami a ako ich nastaviť
Naučte sa, ako čítať a nastavovať najstaršiu funkciu hodiniek na svete - fázy mesiaca.

Ako nosiť vreckové hodinky so štýlom?
v tejto príručke sa naučíte, ako nosiť vreckové hodinky správnym spôsobom - od výberu retiazky na vreckových hodinkách až po zistenie toho, ktorá gombíková dierka sa má použiť.

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Dokonalosť narastá. Zistite, čo nás inšpirovalo k vytvoreniu kolekcie Dante, a pozrite sa na jej pripravované vylepšenia.

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Za zatvorenými dverami - Výroba kolekcie Mateo